Self-Portrait Painting: “How I see myself and you” is a workshop by She Paints Her Sky, a project for women empowerment by Afrosian in partnership with Forrest Club, Danes Art Veranda, and Masbrooo.
Our Deep Condolences for Gus Dur: one of Indonesia’s best sons

father of tolerance, pluralism
RED BLUES: A night of caring & sharing – Dec.19, 2009
More and more people died from AIDS. But, how much do we know? Have we understood completely about HIV/AIDS?
Have we taken part in creating stigma & discrimination towards people living with HIV/AIDS?
Come to the night of caring and sharing: RED BLUES. Here we can ask the experts and listen to a testimony to help us understand more of HIV/AIDS and its issues. Then, hopefully next, we know better what action to take.
“Let’s talk about HIV/AIDS because WE CARE”.
Products to support women empowerment
Forrest Club is now supporting Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan for empowering women, by helping to sell the products, which you can buy directly at our shop in Renon. Or, drop us an e-mail if you want to pre-order.
Farewell Concert:: Ed Eddy & Residivis
Ed Eddy & Residivis has been known as a band with their songs inspired by daily happenings. Their debut album, “Lagu Kita Orang Indonesia“, was finally released in April 2008.
Two of their songs, “Kronologi Pistol & Amunisi” (The Chronology of Pistol and Ammunition), which is about the reckless use of firearms, and “Anjing” (literally translated as dogs), their most controversial song about cops mistaken as street thugs, displeased the police and made Ed Eddy and his “partner-in-crime”, Igo, being sued. Both of them had to face a long drawn battle in court. Although Eddy and Igo always stated that the songs were not meant to insult the police, that they didn’t call the police as dogs, or use swearing word like ‘doggone it!’ or maybe ‘damn!’ for the police, the way they sing could carry various interpretations. As the result, judges found them guilty and sentenced them with a one year probation despite the trial drew protest from supporters of right to freedom of speech in Bali.
This concert, entitled ‘Aku Tak Sedih‘ (I’m Not Sad) will be the band’s farewell concert as the lead singer, Ed Eddy, will leave for Australia for good. Here Ed Eddy & Residivis will be featuring three other bands: de Buntu, Day After The Rain, and Dilla.